Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Death Penalty

Subject: The Death Penalty / Capital punishment

1. Methods of execution

Find the names of at least 5 different methods of execution.
Recommended URLs:
In your opinion, what is the least painful method of execution?

2. Personal Opinion

Choose the answer closest to your opinion.
Do you agree with the death penalty for murderers?
  • Yes, definitely.
  • Yes, in most cases.
  • I'm not sure.
  • No, not in most cases.
  • No, definitely not.

3. Key arguments

Copy and complete the table in the box below. Note some ideas in support of one side of the debate, either for or against, according to your opinion. Try to include 3 or 4 key ideas, and some supporting reasons or examples.
Arguments for/against capital punishment    Main ideas and supporting reasons or examples
  1. .......................................................................................................................
  2. .......................................................................................................................
  3. .......................................................................................................................
  4. .......................................................................................................................
Recommended URLs for research:

4. Jury duty

Find out if you would be chosen to serve on a jury in a death penalty case in the USA.

5. Michigan State University's Courtroom Case 1: Lesley Gosch

Study the real life case of Lesley Gosch, in preparation for a debate on the pros and cons of capital punishment.

6. Further study

BBC Ethics: Capital Punishment:
Death Penalty Curricula of Study for High Schools, Michigan State University:

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