Sunday, December 02, 2012

EAS Team Presentations

EAS Team presentations

This piece of assessed work is a Team Presentation, to be performed in groups of two or three and worth 20% of your final grade.


This format is intended to give you the opportunity to show:
  • how well you can work together in English on an extended project
  • how good your spoken English is in a more formal setting


The presentations are to be based on one of the themes already covered in the course. You should choose a topic for your presentation based on work done this term, including:
  • education
  • technology
  • travel / tourism
  • multiculturalism (including different English-speaking cultures, world festivals & traditions)
  • an Oxford-related topic, e.g. arts-related, education-related, or socio-economic
Your work should include a 'mini research project'. We expect you to do a survey of some kind, which should include preparing a questionnaire, interviewing people (in the street, or students and staff at St Clare's, for example), or in some other way collecting data, and presenting those data appropriately in the presentation itself. We will be helping you with the style and language of presentations


Your group presentations will be on Tuesday 19 February, 2013 (week 7). The actual time of your presentation will be drawn out of a hat. You must all be here at the normal class times, irrespective of when your actual presentation is (i.e. 10.00 to 12.15 on Tuesday).


You must finish your presentation by Sunday 17th February and e-mail copies to your morning tutor by midnight. Your plan should include:
  • The title
  • An outline (plan) of your presentation
  • Copies of any visual aids or images you are using, and questionnaire/survey material


It is assessed both on:
  • your team's performance on the day
  • your team-work in the preparation of the presentation
You will be judged on:
  • The content of the presentation and its wider relevance
  • The way in which you have prepared, and work as part of a team
  • Your presentation technique
  • The visual aids
  • Your English, including accuracy, fluency and pronunciation
Timing is important. Each person will be expected to talk for about 5 minutes (i.e, 10 minutes for pairs, 15 minutes for groups of 3), with a further 5 minutes allowed for questions and answers. Your group will lose marks if your timing diverges significantly from these timings. If you're late beginning your presentation, you will lose marks. 

Recommended resources for self-study

  1. For useful language and other tips, visit the UEfAP website
  2. To read, try the book The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs (see below).
  3. For online video tutorials, go to YouTube and watch some tutorials by Carmine Gallo, author of The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, and others (see below for links)
  4. To view a selection of talks by top international speakers, with subtitles if you want, go to (see below for suggestions).
  5. To see a master at work, watch a couple of Steve Jobs' keynote speeches on YouTube (see below for my suggestion)
  6. Watch the 5-minute online showreel of a professional business keynote speaker

1. UEfAP (Using English for Academic Purposes) website

2. Books on presenting

(I've only read the first one, but the second one looks good too and was recommended by another professional presenter.)

The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience, by Carmine Gallo (2009), McGraw-Hill Professional 

  • "Apple CEO Steve Jobs’s wildly popular presentations have set a new global gold standard - and now this step-by-step guide shows you exactly how to use his crowd-pleasing techniques in your own presentations. The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs is as close as you’ll ever get to having the master presenter himself speak directly in your ear. Communications expert Carmine Gallo has studied and analyzed the very best of Jobs’s performances, offering point-by-point examples, tried-and-true techniques, and proven presentation secrets that work every time. With this revolutionary approach, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to sell your ideas, share your enthusiasm, and wow your audience the Steve Jobs way."

Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery (Voices That Matter) by Garr Reynolds (2011), New Riders

  • "Best-selling author and popular speaker Garr Reynolds is back in this newly revised edition of his classic, best-selling book,Presentation Zen, in which he showed readers there is a better way to reach the audience through simplicity and storytelling, and gave them the tools to confidently design and deliver successful presentations."

3. Online Tutorials

Some YouTube video tutorials linked to the skills of master presenter Steve Jobs.

Sell Your Ideas the Steve Jobs Way (47 mins)
In his talk to students at Stanford University Graduate School of Business, Carmine Gallo demonstrates how extraordinary leaders such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and others communicate the vision and the value behind their service, product, or brand. [Uploaded on Feb 9, 2011]

Steve Jobs: Power Point Maestro - underlines the importance of REHEARSING (3 mins)
Alexa Fischer
There is no doubt that this CEO has captured the hearts and minds of Apple fans. Every new product launch is expertly presented to build anticipation and awe. Steve Jobs makes it look easy. Watch and learn... [Uploaded on Jul 13, 2011]

The presentation secrets of Steve Jobs with Carmine Gallo (7 mins)
Carmine Gallo's new book, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, will be available in September! It will change the way you give presentations. [Uploaded on Jun 29, 2009]

The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs 1 (3 mins)
The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs 2 (3 mins)
"Whether Steve Jobs was introducing the latest iPad or delivering a keynote presentation, Steve Jobs electrified audiences with his incomparable style and showmanship. Steve Jobs didn't just convey information in his presentations; he told a story, painted a picture, and shared a vision. He gave his audience a transformative experience that was unique, inspiring, and unforgettable. Now you can do it too, by learning the specific techniques that made Jobs the most captivating communicator on the world stage."

Steve Jobs: 3 Lessons From The Keynote Master (2.5 mins) contributor and author, Carmine Gallo, reveals three techniques that Steve Jobs used in his greatest presentation to educate, entertain, and inspire his audience. [Published on Oct 3, 2012]

Present Like Steve Jobs (5 mins) contributor and author, Carmine Gallo on how the Apple chief uses body language to engage an audience. [Uploaded on Oct 9, 2009]

4. TED Talks (talks in the fields of Technology, Entertainment and Design)

Some TED talks that show presentations with and without visuals.

Julia Sweeney - The Talk (to daughter about sex) (5 mins)
No visuals, just her telling her story - fantastic, I recommend all her monologues!!

Hans Rosling - The magic washing machine (2010) (9 mins)
Using visuals and props, brilliant stuff

Arianna Huffington: How to succeed? Get more sleep (4 mins)
No visuals but compelling

Ursus Wehrli tidies up art (2006) (16 mins)
Comic routine by a Swiss using visuals in a different way

Jay Walker on the world's English mania (2009) (5 mins)
Using visuals and audio - amazing stuff on China!

5. Steve Jobs (and other speakers') Keynotes

Steve Jobs Keynote 2007 iPhone Presentation (play from 0:00-08:20)
"Steve Jobs - 2007 iPhone Presentation ( Part 1 of 2 )"
The iPhone was introduced at the Macworld Conference & Expo 2007 with a keynote address from San Francisco's Moscone West - the master doing one of his most iconic pitches

Apple Unveils the iPad - HD 720p Version: Apple iPad, Steve Jobs Keynote - Part 1 (9 mins)

Steve Jobs pitches iPad on Dragons' Den (2010) (2 minute spoof!)

Nigel Barlow: Business Keynote Speaker's Online Showreel
Geoff does the website and edits the video for Nigel Barlow, a professional business keynote speaker who does presentations for a living. Check out his online showreel (5 mins), a compilation from a few of his keynotes

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Webquest: Oxford University, Oxford / university life


Working in small groups, and using online resources and/or any other resources you may wish to include, e.g. personal visits, interviews of people with inside knowledge of the area, readings from books, journals or magazines, collect sufficient information to write a short fact-based report for your class.


  1. Get into small groups of mixed nationality (2 people per group would be ideal). Make a note of each other's contact info, e.g. email address, mobile phone number, in case you need to contact each other outside school hours.
  2. Choose the subject of your report, connected to Oxford, Oxford University and/or student life. If possible, choose a topic you are really curious about. For example:
    • How best to get into Oxbridge (Oxford or Cambridge University)? How easy is it?
    • Oxford or Cambridge, which is better? (advantages / disadvantages of being a student at Oxford University / Oxford Brookes University or Cambridge University and living in the area?)
    • What is life like for people studying at Oxford University / Oxford Brookes University?
    • Oxford University or Oxford Brookes University? What real differences are there between them? Why choose one rather than the other?
  3. Prepare a short list of key questions that you are curious to know, the answers to which you can include in your report.
  4. Collect data in note form. (As for where to collect your data from, for some possible online links, see below. The links below are listed for your convenience only. You are welcome to include other resources.)
  5. Organise your data.
  6. Produce a written report laid out in standard report style, with a title, sub-headings, etc
  7. If time, share this report with other groups, e.g. by group email. Give a final draft of the report to the teacher as a homework assignment.


N.B. If you get ideas or direct quotes from any resource other than your own experience, in case the reader wishes to check your research independently, and/or study deeper, you must include a reference to each resource, e.g. in a list of resources at the end of your text.


Oxford vs Cambridge

Applying to universities

University Life

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Movies and movie trailers online

A. Movie information websites

The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) (

The biggest, best, most award-winning movie site on the planet! Everything you could want to know about almost any film.

Rotten Tomatoes (RT) (

Very useful to check if a film is worth seeing. Rotten Tomatoes pulls together the positive and negative reviews of many critics to create a "meta" review, averaging all the opinions.

Daily Info Oxford Cinema Guide (DI) (

Guide to Oxford, UK, including links to what's on at the cinemas
Go Home page ( >> What's On >> Cinema

Local Cinema + subtitles (LC)
Check all current movie trailers with subtitles
Check which subtitled films are showing in your town

B. Mini Web-Quest ( = Internet quiz )

Use the websites above to answer the following questions.
1. At the UK Box Office which film is at number 1? (IMDb/RT)
2. What ranking (out of 10) does the UK Box Office Number 1 film get on IMDb? (IMDb)
Who was the film directed by?
Who are the stars of the film?
What's the tagline?
What genre(s) is the film?
3. Which UK Box Office Top 10 film has the highest ranking (out of 100) in Rotten Tomatoes? (RT)
And the lowest ranking in Rotten Tomatoes?
4. How many subtitled films are showing at the Odeon Cinemas in Oxford this week? (LC)
5. How many films are showing at the Odeon George Street in Oxford today? (DI)
Which one would you most like to go and see?
Which one would you least like to go and see?

C. Watch Movies Free Online

The BBC Film Network (

Monday, January 09, 2012

Popular Music and Film - Movie trailers

Please have a look at these trailers for films we could watch in class.

Email Geoff ( a couple of titles of films from this list that you would be happy to try watching in class.

  • A Fish Called Wanda classic British comedy crime. Topics: crime, UK vs USA culture
  • Crash modern American drama. Topics: racism, family
  • Go modern American black comedy action. Topics: crime, drugs, action
  • Groundhog Day classic American black comedy. Topics: cynicism, despair, self-improvement
  • Juno modern American comedy. Topics: teenage pregnancy, music
  • Little Miss Sunshine modern American black comedy. Topics: family, self-improvement
  • Office Space modern American office comedy. Topics: work, crime, romance
  • Once modern Irish musical romance. Topics: music, romance
  • Trainspotting modern Scottish black comedy drama. Topics: crime, drugs
  • Witness classic American romantic crime drama. Topics: crime, violence, cross-culture romance