The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) (
The biggest, best, most award-winning movie site on the planet! Everything you could want to know about almost any film.Rotten Tomatoes (RT) (
Very useful to check if a film is worth seeing. Rotten Tomatoes pulls together the positive and negative reviews of many critics to create a "meta" review, averaging all the opinions.Daily Info Oxford Cinema Guide (DI) (
Guide to Oxford, UK, including links to what's on at the cinemasGo Home page ( >> What's On >> Cinema
Local Cinema + subtitles (LC) all current movie trailers with subtitles
Check which subtitled films are showing in your town
B. Mini Web-Quest ( = Internet quiz )
Use the websites above to answer the following questions.1. At the UK Box Office which film is at number 1? (IMDb/RT)
2. What ranking (out of 10) does the UK Box Office Number 1 film get on IMDb? (IMDb)
Who was the film directed by?
Who are the stars of the film?
What's the tagline?
What genre(s) is the film?
Who are the stars of the film?
What's the tagline?
What genre(s) is the film?
3. Which UK Box Office Top 10 film has the highest ranking (out of 100) in Rotten Tomatoes? (RT)
And the lowest ranking in Rotten Tomatoes?
4. How many subtitled films are showing at the Odeon Cinemas in Oxford this week? (LC)
5. How many films are showing at the Odeon George Street in Oxford today? (DI)
Which one would you most like to go and see?
Which one would you least like to go and see?
And the lowest ranking in Rotten Tomatoes?
4. How many subtitled films are showing at the Odeon Cinemas in Oxford this week? (LC)
5. How many films are showing at the Odeon George Street in Oxford today? (DI)
Which one would you most like to go and see?
Which one would you least like to go and see?