Monday, January 09, 2012

Popular Music and Film - Movie trailers

Please have a look at these trailers for films we could watch in class.

Email Geoff ( a couple of titles of films from this list that you would be happy to try watching in class.

  • A Fish Called Wanda classic British comedy crime. Topics: crime, UK vs USA culture
  • Crash modern American drama. Topics: racism, family
  • Go modern American black comedy action. Topics: crime, drugs, action
  • Groundhog Day classic American black comedy. Topics: cynicism, despair, self-improvement
  • Juno modern American comedy. Topics: teenage pregnancy, music
  • Little Miss Sunshine modern American black comedy. Topics: family, self-improvement
  • Office Space modern American office comedy. Topics: work, crime, romance
  • Once modern Irish musical romance. Topics: music, romance
  • Trainspotting modern Scottish black comedy drama. Topics: crime, drugs
  • Witness classic American romantic crime drama. Topics: crime, violence, cross-culture romance

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